Getting After It With Holly Olp

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What has been the most rewarding part of coaching these past years?

Personally, it has challenged my confidence and fear factor. Putting yourself out there as an authority and leader can be scary, and you never feel fully ready! It's also incredibly fulfilling - when you truly help someone and you see them blow their own mind for the first time with what they've accomplished or overcome, it gives me the shivers and fuels me for days on end.



Ignite Female Change Makers is a book you helped write, what was it like to be a part of that process?

I was so nervous I tried to back out! One of the project organizers assured me I was the right woman for the job and that the universe had connected us all for a reason. I'm a journalism major so the first draft came fairly easily, but watching it transform and get deeper with the help of our editors was magic. They really helped me dig into the feelings and essence behind the story and pull more of that experience out on paper.


Can you tell us a little about what FITclub is? 

The FITclub is our online community! I'm part of a coaching group called Team Fit Collective. Together a few of us coaches run a private accountability space for our online fitness clients and we each add our own flavor of expertise, passion and advice for our members as we help them follow through on the fitness goals we've helped them create. Our goal is to help people connect, share experience, and get better, together.



How do you balance a full-time career and following your passions?

The first thing I learned is that balance is a moving target. Some weeks I need to give extra time and energy to the day job, while other weeks are periods of hustle for my coaching work. Everyone has a little bit of flex time in their day that they usually spend scrolling, watching TV, doing house work, socializing or just generally not being in go-mode; so when I need to level up in one of my jobs, I cut back on the flex time and add in extra projects. When I need more of a recharge, I do all the essentials in my jobs, but allow myself more flex time. 


Your Fit Collective group feels like one big family. What do you love most about being a part of that community?

Whenever someone in our tribe is going through something, my first advice is to lean on our team and share what's up. Guaranteed someone has been there, done that, and has some firsthand advice. Adulting can be hard, finding friends as an adult while you change and grow can be extra tough. The thing about the Fit Collective I'm most grateful for is to have found a big wad of built-in friends, that I know vibe with my values and goals and I can always go to when I need a piece of advice.



While my day job is in tech, you can tell I have a huge passion for creating connection through fitness. Every month I add new members to the Fit Club and help them get started with a fitness plan they can do anywhere - enrollment is currently open for next month. As of this fall, all new members will have our group for accountability, and will also get a weekly one-on-one email check-in with me, which I am so excited about.


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