What is so Important About Period Education?

Meet Monica Grohne the Owner and Founder of Marea Wellness, a brand that provides menstruators with education, community, and products surrounding their periods and period symptoms. Monica’s journey started as a personal one that has evolved into her incredible company where she continues to help others become more comfortable in their bodies and utilize their cycle to their benefit.

Tell us a bit about yourself, outside of work!

I'm originally from Maine but moved to Jackson, WY 10 years ago to be a "ski bum." Growing up as a ski racer, skiing has always been one of my favorite activities—the speed and adrenaline that comes with downhill skiing is unlike anything... until I learned to mountain bike! After 10 years in Jackson I've found several mountain sports, like mountain biking, trail running and climbing, that speak to my soul. There's nothing quite like a day in the mountains followed by a massive cheeseburger and a beer.

How/why you started Marea Wellness? Did your interests outside of work get you here?

From my very first period at age 9 I struggled with period related symptoms. When I was younger it was heavy bleeds and acne and in my late-teens to today I've really noticed some drastic emotional effects. In my mid-20's I started to talk to my doctors about it and realized I had a huge educational gap in my knowledge around my own biology. Curiously grab hold and it took me down a path of looking for natural solutions to help support my symptoms. I have always had a keen interest in health and wellness and found the nutrition and lifestyle effects on menstruation mindblowing -- I knew it was something I could not only be passionate about for a long time, but something I wanted to share with more people!

What was the biggest shock to you when creating Marea and/or you've found since providing your product and service?

I'm constantly blown away by how undereducated we, as menstruators, are about our own bodies. I knew that I was lacking a ton of the education—but it's not just me! I recently posted a Tik Tok explaining the 4 phases of the menstrual cycle and heard from hundreds of women that they had no idea there were phases of the menstrual cycle. I can relate so much as I wasn't aware of this until recently.

Why do you think it's important that women are educated about their cycles and everything that comes with it?

Without the education of how our bodies function as menstruators we are put into a constant state of failure that creates mental and emotional distress. Let me explain... Our cycle creates natural energy ebbs and flows, if we aren't aware of this than we have an expectation (and society has this expectation for us) that we can constantly operate at a high vibration. As individuals when we fail to meet our own, let alone societies, expectations we feel failure. BUT, when we can understand and surrender to our natural cycle it creates a powerful connection to what is optimal for us as individuals—this is SO powerful and creates alignment.

If you could pass one just one piece of information to women everywhere, what would it be?

Listen to your body and advocate for your needs.

Where can people follow/keep up with you?

Come say hello to me on IG at @monicagrohne and give Marea a follow @mareawellness on Tik Tok and Instagram.


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