Getting After It With Nicole Wild

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Silly. Insightful. Ever-growing.


What is your favorite spot in Bozeman? Food, clothing, fitness, any place.

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Food, clothing, fitness, any place: I've been loving all of the new businesses popping up in the Bozeman area. I basically live at coffee-shops: Coldsmoke has the best booths for computer working, and Treeline has my favorite coffee and atmosphere. I've been eating healthy lunches at Farmacy and Foxtrot. I've been rotating morning workouts with The Pitt, Mountain Project, and Zephyr. Every day must include a good sweat and healthy meals! 


You’re doing an epic retreat next year. What made you choose Panama? Where to next?

I chose Panama after a LOT of research of retreat centers all over the world. Sansara Surf + Yoga Resort came highly recommended and is also the perfect winter-getaway. I have a long list of places that I want to lead retreats at next, but none that I have announced yet! I am so excited to merge my love for yoga and travel - and to take people to cool places all over the globe! 


What advice would you give to someone who is looking to start a yoga and meditation practice?

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I wish I had a better answer, but honestly you just have to start! As with most things, any intimidation or hesitation will only go away by starting. And it is important to be willing to not be the "best" person in the room - I promise nobody is watching what you're doing! Also, I am a huge believer in finding the teacher that resonates with you. If you don't love your first class, try a different teacher or different style. There is also an endless amount of online resources for those who wish to practice at home!


What is your favorite style of yoga to teach, but also to practice? Why?

Both my teaching and my practice has shifted over the years. I highly value meditation - both teaching and practicing it. And I love utilizing my physical practice as a form of play! My favorite sequences are creative, challenging, and very flowy. I'm taking it all less and less seriously all the time - in a good way :)


You've created a large online community through your free classes on YouTube, what's been the best part of seeing that community?

It has been such a happy accident creating this online yoga platform! I think the best part is that it was unexpected and totally organic. It is my goal to utilize this online platform in order to reach people who might come attend a yoga retreat and practice with me in person! Many of the Panama retreat attendees have come from YouTube.


Shameless Plug

The best way to stay up to date with what I'm doing is via my Instagram page: @nicolewildcollective. However I'm also building up my mailing list on my website for more direct communication about upcoming events and retreats! There are lots of fun things in the works, and I hope you all will stay tuned! 


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