Getting After It With Ariel Bridges




Youโ€™re a woman of many paths (modeling, acting, singing, songwriting), are you focusing on one more than the others right now?


Since things have shut down, the industry has been shut down with them! I wasn't able to get into the studio until August and once we started receiving castings/auditions again, the filming has been taking place in our homes instead of us going out and doing them in person! So to answer your question, I feel like I'm still trying to actively push all things forward. I'm currently taking a virtual improv class, have been doing a bunch of voiceover work and working on music *foreshadowing of shameless plug at the end of this list* 


What is modeling in NYC like? What kind of jobs do you go on? Any brands you were especially excited to work with?

Modeling in NYC is a dream come true for me!!! I'm a commercial model so my experience looks different than that of a fashion model. It's a lot of castings in weird places that only last a few minutes after long subway rides but I love it. The first job I ever booked was a hand model job for 7-Up. I've since had castings for several other soda brands, and everything from chapstick to insurance to underwear to engagement rings! It's a mixed bag which I think is really fun.


What inspired you to follow these passions? Any advice for others looking to break into the creative scene?


I've always  been a creative person and have been pursuing these things in various ways my entire life. I had been pursuing and working in medicine for 5 years and I had a realization that I would really regret not going after the creative path 100% so I made that decision (after a lot of fear, anxiety, and overthinking) and was signed to an agency a few months later! Which brings me to my advice for others who want to break in...keep working hard at your craft! What's for you is for you and every "no" that you get in the meantime is preparing you and shaping you for your yes! I also think it's important to note that you don't have to live in a big city to get your career started! Work your local area/ the biggest town nearby and/or create your own projects! Creating your own content has always been a great idea but it's especially great during the pandemic when we're all home consuming content and there are less formal opportunities!


You're an advocate for increasing the access to health for women of color. What organizations do you love who are doing the work in this area?

YES!!!!! Absolutely love the work that Black Women's Health Imperative is doing to educate black women and girls about their health and how to advocate for themselves in health care settings. It *is* breast cancer awareness month and the organization Know Your Girls creates space for black women to learn about their breast health and other helpful facts and our higher likelihood to die from breast cancer than white women for example! 


Shameless Plug

MY NEW SONG DROPPED ON 10/16!!!! I haven't been able to work on my EP in the studio and there were a LOT of feels I was feeling so I wrote this song and recorded it in my apartment. It's called Mela(to)nin and I'm really happy with how it turned out, all things considered. If you'd like to follow me along on all my different paths and where they're taking me, you can find me on the gram at @heyyyitsbridges . That's probably the best place for now :)


Getting After It With Holly Olp


Getting After It With Gina Valdes