5 Healthy Habits to Kickstart Your Wellness Journey

The hardest part of your wellness journey is likely the reason you’re reading this post – starting. “What should I be doing? What is actually good for me? There’s so much information out there, and all I see are TikTok videos of people that already have it figured out!” We get it, and we’ve been there! Here are 5 tips to help you start living a healthier life today:

  1. Refresh your workout wardrobe to one that makes you feel good.

    I don’t know about you but there’s something about wearing cute gear that just motivates me to push myself harder (that and an innocent gym crush 😉). Whether you’re more comfortable in leggings and a sports bra or an oversized tee and sweats, we’ve got you! Stay tuned for our next drop here.

  2. Make time for mini-movement breaks throughout the day.

    Many of us are still working from home, while some of us have been asked to go back to the office. Either way, we’re probably not moving around very much on a regular basis. Try and take just 5 minutes every hour to get out of your chair and stretch or find times where you’re not completely tied to your desk and can move, like when you’re taking that conference call on the phone! Here’s a list from Harvard Medical School of static stretches you can do right in your office: Everyday Stretches.

  3. Make time to get outside once a day.

    Along the same lines as our last tip, this is another perfect way to get up and move! Take a quick walk around your block or make time for a hike with friends or family. As someone that lives in a cold climate most of the year, we can understand that this may not be the tip you look forward to on those negative temp days but, on the bright side, your house will feel so much warmer once you go back in! 😅 Check out this Forbes article about the additional benefits of getting outside.

  4. Make micro-goals for the day.

    Every goal does not have to be a massive milestone. You don’t have to be productive every day. You don’t need to have your best workout every day. We all have average days and that’s okay. But, a way to help you still feel accomplished is to set micro-goals for yourself. Here are some we set for ourselves:

    • Don’t snooze your alarm.

    • Actually show up for that workout class.

    • Read for 5 minutes to start the day instead of reaching for your phone.

    • Walk to the end of the street or around the block..

    • Get one load of laundry done.

  5. Find a supportive community.

    Having people in your life that are there when you need them is so important. This can include anyone! Your community can include your mom, your best friend, the barista you see and chat with every Tuesday, or that girl you mutually follow on IG and you guys just reply to each other's stories. Even if you’re not talking, it’s nice to know you have people in your corner.

    Not to toot our own horn but, *toot toot*, we have two amazing communities through #GIRLGETAFTERIT. Curious about what these communities look like and what they’re about? Check out the Digital Squad, our online community with members all over the world, and/or the IRL Squad, our in-person community located in cities across the country (we’re always growing!).


We hope you find these helpful and if you ever have any questions feel free to reach out to us through our Contact Us page or shoot us a DM on the ‘Gram: @girlgetafterit. Cheers to you starting your wellness journey! We can’t wait to see where you end up.


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