7 Tips on How to Make New Friends

Making friends as an adult can be really hard, especially right now as a lot of us have been or still are working remotely. Here at #GIRLGETAFTERIT we’re big on community, so here’s a few of our go-to tips for meeting new people:

  1. Download Apps!

    • Digital Squad – our online community where we host monthly, wellness-based events and provide a space where you can connect with women from all over the world.

    • Bumble BFF – similar to their dating function you swipe right or left on people you’re interested in getting to know more.

    • Hey! Vina – made specifically for women and non-binary people to meet and make new friends in their area.

  2. Get involved with a local club or community.

    • Check and see if there is a #GGAI - IRL Squad near you! We host monthly events and meet-ups - everything from workouts, workshops and hikes to happy hours with new friends!

    • Look up intramural sports and leagues in your area! There are tons of options for activities to play year round. It’s also a great way to move your body and meet new people at the same time.

  3. Talk to people on the chairlift.

    Obviously if you don’t ski, snowboard, or ride mountain bikes at a resort in the summer, this one is hard to do but, if you do – chatting people up on the chairlift is so easy and really fun! Ask what they’ve been riding, what their favorite trail is, how their day is going, etc. Take it to the next level and invite them on a run! It’s a great way to find a new buddy to do one of your favorite activities with.

  4. Become a regular somewhere.

    • A Coffee shop – chat up the baristas! As a former barista, having regulars was my favorite thing! They were always my favorite people to talk to and you can really get to know them. The baristas want to get to know you and it’s so easy to get to know them too!

    • The Gym – similar to the chairlift if you see someone in the gym killing it and they seem like someone you want to be friends with, ask if they can run you through their workout or if they want to spot you, any way you guys can work together is a great way to end up talking.

    • A Studio – working out at a smaller studio instead of a gym makes it easy to get to know a smaller group of people. Talk to your instructors after class and get to know their front desk staff. You already have one thing in common and from there you can ask what they do after class, what’s their post class fuel, what they do outside of the studio, all kinds of things! You’ll have more in common than you think!

  5. Look for and attend local events.

    Follow local businesses on Instagram or Facebook. They’ll always be promoting events they’re a part of. Or do a quick google search of ‘[Your town] events’, guarantee you’ll find something! Need some inspo? Check out our IRL community 😉

  6. Volunteer!

    Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community and meet people that have similar values and interests as you. Love animals? I bet your local shelter needs people to walk the dogs or hang with the cats! Want to work with kids? Summer camps always need counselors or join a tutoring group. Prefer to help adults and/or families in need? Help out at a homeless shelter, work at your local soup kitchen or food bank, or make time to visit the elderly. You can learn a lot from the people you meet along the way.

  7. Get a dog.

    Okay, wait. Before you make this decision, be sure you can realistically take care of a furry friend. That being said, how many times have you ended up chatting with someone purely because you wanted to pet their dog? Probably a lot! Now imagine you both have dogs and can plan to meet at the park once a week to walk them. All of a sudden you have your weekly ritual and you’re talking about more than just your pups!

We hope these tips can at least help you get started in making new friends and meeting new people. If you meet anyone using any of these please tag us on Instagram or TikTok (@girlgetafterit) so we can meet you guys, too! Excited to see who you meet along the way.


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