7 Ways to Practice Self Love

It’s great to have someone in your life that you share a romantic connection with, but even if you don't, there’s love all around you. You love your friends, you love your family, and in this short post, we hope we can help you love yourself just a little bit more!

Recognize at least one positive thing about yourself everyday.

I love my hair today. I love how I made that person laugh. I love that I’m a compassionate person. I love my nose. Anything! By acknowledging one thing about yourself that you love, it will help you foster a more grateful mind and positive attitude.

Evaluate your relationships.

Do you ever feel worse than you did before after hanging out with a certain someone? If so, it’s time to take a good hard look at the relationships you have in your life and decide if that’s the kind of friendship or partnership you want. It’s not easy, especially if that person is family or you’ve known them forever, but it’s so necessary. We know it’s scary to let people go but that gives you space to let new, better people in. You can find our tips on how to make new friends here including everything from chatting to your baristas to finding a community of like-minded individuals.

Keep the people that you love close.

Along those same lines, put effort into relationships that you really want to keep. Make plans, try something that they love to do, send them funny memes or TikToks! “To have a friend you need to be a friend,” and continue to nurture those relationships worth keeping.

No one pays attention to you as much as you think they do.

We mean this in the best way!!! Think about how much you think about yourself throughout the day.

  • “Oh my gosh my hair looks so weird today.”

  • “I can’t believe I just tripped and fell in front of everyone.” 

  • “I’m so nervous for this presentation. Everyone is going to know if I mess up!”

Take it from us, no one has the time to notice all the things you’re obsessing over because they’re all too busy doing it to themselves! Take a deep breath and realize that everyone is way too focused on other things to notice your slight imperfections or mishaps. We’re all human.

Set boundaries.

Learn to say no. Especially as women we’re taught to be helpful and accommodating from a young age. Both of which are great qualities, but not when they come at the expense of your mental and/or physical health.

Make yourself your favorite food.

I know a lot of self love books or articles always tell us to nourish our bodies with good, healthy, whole meals and that’s completely valid advice but, if a super greasy cheeseburger with extra bacon and barbeque sauce is going to make you feel better – girl you better eat that burger!

Don’t change your plans for anyone!

I’m sure we’ve all been there where the boy or girl you like has hit you up and wanted to hangout but you already have plans with your best friend to get dinner. I know you so badly want to cancel and go hangout with your crush instead, but don’t do it! You have your life outside of that person and whether you have plans to sit in bed and watch tv or you’re going out with friends both are equally important and you should not sacrifice that time for one person.

We hope you found these helpful! We know it is not an easy journey to self love and acceptance but we all have to start somewhere. Love you!❤️


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